Recently, the 1200V 80mΩ SiC MOSFET AB2M080120H developed by BASiC Semiconductor has successfully passed the AEC-Q101 reliability certification of the automotive industry. The product performance and reliability meet the strict requirements of automotive electronic components in extreme environments, adding another member to the company's AEC-Q101 certified SiC power device product family.
The AB2M080120H is developed based on the second-generation SiC MOSFET technology platform. This product features low on-resistance, low conduction loss, low switching loss, and can support higher switching frequency. It is suitable for applications in OBC, on-board DC/DC converters, and automotive air conditioning compressors.
Product features
Compliant with PPAP quality certification
High reliability and robustness
Low switching loss for higher frequency operation
Typical Applications
On-board DC/DC
Automotive Air Conditioning Compressors
In addition, BASiC Semiconductor has launched a series of automotive-grade 1200V 80mΩ and 40mΩ SiC MOSFETs, in packages covering TO-247-3, TO-247-4, and TO-263-7, which can meet the diverse application demands of the automotive industry.